Client: Tormead school, Guildford
Garden renovation/pond construction

This amazing pond had a unique requirement. It had to be both a crystal clear koi pond as well as an overgrown natural wildlife pond, it also had to be completed during holidays while no students and minimal staff were onsite.

We achieved the design requirement by creating a hidden weir under the bridge which not only kept the two ponds separate but also gave the impression of it being just one pond and acting as an overflow for the main body of water.

A self cleaning filter was sited remotely to ensure water quality was as required and of course it was delivered with time to spare.

Matt and the Offish team completed the pond transformation at Tormead School on time and on budget. Any issues that the team came across were rectified with solutions, quickly and efficiently. The project was completed to a high standard and Matt freely came up with suggestions and improvements, as the project progressed, without exceeding the proposed budget. The pond and nature area has had a very positive impact and the girls thoroughly enjoy observing the fish. Matt’s aftercare and maintenance is seamless and this shows by the condition of the pond and fish.

Tormead School, Guildford